Resource Topic: Research


Learn proven strategies to close instructional learning gaps and promote student growth. Empowers educators and...

White Paper

Behavioral challenges in the classroom are on the rise in terms of frequency and severity,...

White Paper

Equipping students with mental and emotional wellness competency allows students to navigate academic, personal, and...


When asked to “teach” mental wellbeing teachers often say, “I can’t have one more thing...


Amidst rising rates of mental health struggles and substance use among youth, schools and communities...


During this webinar, you will learn how to empower students and staff to prevent violence...


Join RethinkEd as we discuss how to empower your schools to seamlessly integrate SEL throughout...

Case Study

Houston ISD has been using the RethinkEd SEL curriculum for 2 years and they have...


There isn’t a week that goes by that I don’t land upon another news story...


National Parental Involvement Day is November 17th. This day provides a yearly opportunity for schools...


In recognition of World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2022, it is important to...


RethinkEd’s MTSS professional development suite empowers educators to identify, track, and put strategies in place...


A series of resources designed to provide educators with innovative, evidence-based tools for supporting students...


MTSS is an important framework used in schools in every state to support all students...

White Paper

While schools anticipated increased stress, anxiety, and uncertainty in the 2021-2022 school year due to...

White Paper

In this report, parents of K-12 students were asked to rate their relationship with their...

Case Study

Established in 2006, The Vida Bogart School for All Children, known as 352X, is a...

Case Study

Tia Navelene Barnes, Ph.D., is a social emotional learning researcher and one of RethinkEd’s SEL...

Case Study

Birmingham City School District (BCSD) is home to 43 schools with more than 22,000 students....

White Paper

The Department of Education (DOE) recently released a report that presents social, emotional, behavioral, and...

White Paper

Paraprofessionals are pivotal support in special education classrooms and to the successful inclusion of students...

White Paper

Malcom Gladwell, global thinker and author, contends that there’s a phenomenon calledthe tipping point. The...

White Paper

While educational reforms have prioritized educational disparity for many years, there continues to be inequity...


Know your POWER so that your INFLUENCE can live up to it. Kristen Hopkins Share...