What Are the Benefits to Digital Data Collection? Move Into the 21st Century: From Paper to Digital Data Collection

By: Patricia Wright, Ph.D., MPH, BCBA-D
Published: March 19, 2018
RethinkEd, Together We Power Potential

The world is changing, and data can now be collected electronically, on the fly with an app and a portable device such as a tablet or phone. In the last decade, we have all lived through the movement from paper medical records to digital and the medical community is reaping the benefits. Now is the time for Education to take the next step and join the revolution.

Digital data management is here to stay but as educators and school systems move from paper to digital, some are approaching this frontier with gritted teeth.

Special education is data rich especially when it comes to progress monitoring IEP goals and objectives. Special educators develop IEP documentation, including IEP goals and objectives. These documents are stored digitally, but educators must also collect data to progress monitor and evaluate student’s achievement of their IEP goals and objectives. Historically, this data has been collected by pencil and paper, graphed by hand or more recently graphed in excel – it was A LOT of work and still is!

You may be thinking: Why Should I care? What are the benefits to digital data collection? There are 5 major benefits of digital data collection:

  1. Data is analyzed instantly! With electronic data collection the data can be graphed and analyzed instantly. No more calculating by hand and moving data into a spreadsheet.
  2. More Time to spend on other projects! Every teacher wants more time, using digital data collection for progress monitoring can buy you some valuable time.
  3. Say goodbye to transfer errors! We all like to think that we are perfect but transcribing numbers from paper to a spreadsheet leaves room for error.
  4. It’s green! You won’t have endless stacks of papers that need to be shredded and recycled.
  5. Timely Instructional Decisions! Simply press the record button and data analysis is available immediately. No more waiting until the end of the quarter to adjust instruction. Instructional decisions can be made in a timely manner for maximum benefit.

Join the revolution, start collecting your data digitally!

RethinkEd Data Recording App! Download in the app store today!

About the Author

Patricia Wright, Ph.D., MPH, BCBA-D Executive Director of Proof Positive: Autism Wellbeing Alliance

Executive Director of Proof Positive: Autism Wellbeing Alliance

Patricia has a passion for education and advocacy and has dedicated her career to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are fully included in society. Her personal mission is to offer the support that makes it possible for people with disabilities to lead meaningful, happy and productive lives. In her former role as Vice President of Professional Services at Rethink, she worked to ensure products are implemented effectively, promoting quality outcomes for individuals living with disabilities. Prior to joining RethinkEd, Patricia was the National Director of Autism Services for Easter Seals one of the largest social service providers to those living with autism.

Patricia began her career as a special educator and has provided consultative services to educators and healthcare providers. Wright’s expertise as an educator and Board-Certified Behavior Analyst inform her individualized approach to creating effective intervention plans. She knows that early diagnosis and intervention offer the best outcomes but is a proponent of treatment at any age. Everyone has the ability to learn. Patricia frequently presents at conferences and is been invited to deliver workshops and presentations nationally and internationally. She is a member of the Organization for Autism Research’s Scientific Council and has served on the Executive Committee for the Friends of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.

Patricia completed her PhD and MPH at the University of Hawaii with a research focus on educator utilization of evidence-based practices and health care access for people with disabilities. Her MA was awarded from San Francisco State University.

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