Advanced Training Series- Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)

By: The RethinkEd Team

Published: August 17, 2016
elementary school children sitting on floor during lesson

Advanced Training Series = More Professional Development in Evidence-Based Instruction

With the new school year upon us, schools are clamoring for effective professional development. Teachers, paraprofessionals, and others interested in learning and applying the evidence-based practice of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for learners with significant disabilities have been accessing Rethink’s exemplary Basic Training Series for years. But once people finished the sequence of training modules, we often hear, “We want more!”

Well, you asked for it, we got it! The Advanced Training Series is here! There is always more to learn. Our Basic Training Series is a great introduction to ABA and now with the Advanced Training Series, users can get an even more in depth understanding of the principles of ABA.

You want it, the Advanced Training Series has got it!

The Advanced Training Series provides:

  1. Access to an additional 40-hours of on-demand training
  2. Quizzes and tests are also embedded within each training module, to support learning.
  3. Take your professional development up a notch and learn about everything from reinforcement to motivating operations!

Another bonus of Rethink’s Advanced Training Series, is that it meets the 40-hour training requirement for the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) certification. The RBT is a wonderful first step towards professionalizing the role of the paraprofessional. Paraprofessionals are an invaluable asset in providing special education services, yet so often paraprofessionals do not receive adequate professional development. Paraprofessionals can use Rethink’s Advanced Training Series to fulfill the training requirement, as they pursue their RBT credential.  The on-demand access allows flexibility for busy professionals.

Whether you are pursuing your RBT credential, or just wanting more quality professional development, the Advanced Training Series is for you. Check it out!

Take Your Professional Development to the Next Level and Become RBT Certified!

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