Spotlight Educator of the Month: Joanna Cunningham

By: The RethinkEd Team

Published: February 8, 2018
Spotlight educator Joanna Cunningham

Position: Special Education Preschool Teacher
District: Shelby County Schools in Memphis, TN

Joanna Cunningham is a Special Education Preschool Teacher at Shelby County Schools in Memphis, TN. Shelby County Schools serves approximately 26,000 special education students and has an instruction force of more than 1,000 professionals. RethinkEd’s platform, especially its data collection and professional development, the ABA training series, supports Ms. Cunningham every day in her classroom.

RethinkEd is a valuable tool for creating IEP goals, collecting student data, lessons, and professional development. The platform assists Ms. Cunningham in developing student plans and goals. It helps her to “think through exactly what I want my students to be able to do at the end of the IEP and to ensure I’m collecting the data in the correct way. The lessons help ensure I’m delivering consistent instruction to meet these goals.” Confidently, Ms. Cunningham knows that her students are on the right path and working towards their goals.

Data collection is tricky. Often, we think we know exactly what we are collecting data on and why, only to discover that it was the wrong approach. But with RethinkEd, Ms. Cunningham found that it “helped me look more closely at the way I’m collecting data, what I’m measuring, and to be more granular about it. By doing this, my students are benefiting from better instruction and quicker course correction (if needed).” She can work closely with her students and team to visually see where they need to focus.

Ms. Cunningham has noticed a marked difference and improvement in her students as well as with her team of teachers. The ABA series basic training has, “reconfirmed the education I have had in working with challenging behaviors and is helping me train my team to ensure we are carrying out behavioral interventions with fidelity.” They do this by independently going through the online modules and then discussing how they can better serve their students.

This is just the beginning of Ms. Cunningham’s and her team’s RethinkEd Success. She is excited to continue to utilize RethinkEd in her classroom and continue to track student data. She knows that this platform will assist with IEP teams going forward and is excited to “look back and see where the student has been and how far they have come.” Ms. Cunningham is ready to jump into spring with RethinkEd at her side!

Congratulations, on being featured as our Spotlight Educator. We look forward to continuing to hear about your success with RethinkEd.

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