Inclusion: Making it Work

By: The RethinkEd Team

 •   Reading time: 2 min

Published: March 18, 2015
Down syndrome man attending education class in community center

What Is Inclusion?

According to the Council for Exceptional Children, “all children, youth, and young adults with disabilities are entitled to a free and appropriate education and/or services that lead to an adult life characterized by satisfying relations with others, independent living, productive engagement in the community, and participation in society at large. To achieve such outcomes, there must exist for all children, youth, and young adults a rich variety of early intervention, education, and vocational program options and experiences.”

What Are Some Strategies That Work With Effective Inclusion Programming?

With many schools that have district wide inclusion programming, the following have been strategies that have helped them make inclusion work!

  1. Collaboration, team work, and co-teaching with special education and general education teachers
  2. Use of evidence-based practices with all students in inclusion settings
  3. Strong leadership and administrative support at the school and district level
  4. Differentiated instruction for all students in classrooms
  5. Additional and ongoing teacher and paraprofessional support and professional development

In a Classroom Setting, RethinkEd Can Help Teachers Collaborate and Make Inclusion Successful!

  1. Determine what skills a student needs to be successful through RethinkEd’s Inclusion Assessment
  2. Determine what level of support is needed for success
  3. Select inclusion plans and videos for teachers and paraprofessionals to use when teaching students
  4. Provide support through teachers, paraprofessionals, and peers

Explore RethinkEd’s Inclusion Curriculum today! Have other questions about effective strategies with inclusion programming? Contact us to get the conversation started!

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