We Are Thankful for … You!

By: The RethinkEd Team

 •   Reading time: 3 min

Published: November 13, 2014
hand hold present drawn on chalkboard

The season of giving thanks is upon us! In the spirit of the season, we have many new goodies to share with you as a special thanks for all that you do for your students!

I. Transition Curriculum

Rethink’s new Transition Curriculum is here! You can now log into your Rethink account to explore this amazing new curriculum and start helping your students prepare for life beyond school.

The curriculum is split into five key domains, with each including a library of lessons, task analyses, and lesson materials:

  1. community
  2. home
  3. social
  4. leisure
  5. employment

II. New Resources

We are always updating our site with additional resources to help make lesson planning and teaching easier for you and more effective. Here is a list of some of the new resources you’ll find under the resources section of our website:

  • Archived Webinars:

    If you missed last month’s webinar series, not to worry! You can now find recordings of our most recent webinars on Collecting Data in the Natural Environment and Strategies for Integrating ABA into Group Instruction in the archived webinars section of our website (along with many other past webinars)!

  • Data Sheets:

    After small and large group data collection sheets were featured in last month’s data collection webinar, we received tons of requests to have these available on our website. In response, these data sheets are now available for download under the data sheets section of the Resources page! Because the goal is always for our students to generalize the skills they are building in the classroom, you can now download advanced word flash cards in different fonts and colors from the flash cards section of the Resources page!

  • Lesson Plans:

    And finally, we have recently added a new lesson, Making Requests by Using Signs, which is now available for download in the lesson plans section of the Resources page.

III. Other New Stuff You Can Expect to See:

  • The new “View Data” button on Data Express allows you to view lesson graphs and manage data as you collect it.
  • Now when printing out your child activity center login credentials, they will be printed in a fun student-friendly format that students can take home to their parents!
  • You can now export all student data to a CSV spreadsheet for easy uploading into your IEP system.

If you have any questions about any of the resources or updates please feel free to contact us! We value your feedback–updates like this could never happen without it!

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